Mafling in Berlin

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Year of the course

I am now into the third day of my third language course. This means I have already spent twelve weeks out of the last 8 months here studying, and only now am I beginning to enjoy it and understand how to form a complete sentence in this unusual, complicated language. Sandra, the teacher has a faraway quality which normally would drive me mad in an ordinary situation. However, her lengthy pauses and gazing into the distance allows me just enough time to understand what's going on and to find the correct page in my workbook. I am happy even though Sandra says I shouldn't keep looking in my dictionary. Phew, it only took me 8 months to find the right language course. How long will it take me to find the right job?? Actually my obsession of the week is to take part in as many courses as possible because it seems that The F is offered an extra job each week so I am perhaps free to self develop for a little while longer! I have discovered many courses. However this is more than a little worrying that anyone can learn these particular subjects over the web. A yoga qualification without ever taking a class? I thought I'd try out some animal healing and start a campaign to hypnotize dogs to stop them shitting everywhere. In Berlin this is a HUGE problem. Failing this I might follow in the footsteps of The lovely Ivor Cutler and spray paint around all the shit and turn it into an artwork. Anything goes here and I feel many a mission calling.
Phrase of the week: Ist das hier dein Hund?


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