Mafling in Berlin

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Yesterdays main event was a trip to the doctor, something I have managed to avoid for the last six months, but with this complaint of which I can't talk about because it is too gross for words a doctor could not be avoided. Anyway the most exciting thing was that I managed to converse for a good 10 minutes in German and Frau Dr Meyer said I was obviously a very quick learner! Cool. I'm fluent.......roll on 3rd language.
Following this was a trip to the Chemist for yukky tablets to get rid of unspoken of yukkyness where the man behind the counter didn't seem to understand a word I was talking about. Oh well looks like blog will continue to be in English for a wee while longer and I will have to partake in new language course on Monday.
Might have to skive a day or two though because the Shark is heading this way. Hurrah!


Blogger Lizzy said...

Just seen the Shark's blog.........I knew it!
I bet you are fluent.

8:55 PM  
Blogger purplemafling said...

I'm just faking it....!?x

1:37 AM  

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