Mafling in Berlin

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bekannt is short for famous.

Last night managed to limp to a performance which could have been classified as dance, music or theatre and was definately the best thing I've seen here yet. The highlight was Graham Valentine singing from his soul and his feet. Never heard or seen anything like it. See him if you can.
Meanwhile today, Berlin is filling up with filmstars for the Berlinale. Apparently the biggest Film festival after Cannes? So now, German books in hand I intend to head down to the local Berlinale caf in search of a few British stars........ and learn a little German of course. My new method of learning this incredibly difficult language is to watch lots of television and read lots of magazines and pick a theme a day to work on......laterx

Todays German theme: Bekannt British filmstars


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