Mafling in Berlin

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Krankenhaus

Well, it has been an eventful week. I have had to miss a lot of school but have learned many new german medical terms. The reason being that the Elf broke her arm on Monday skating. Her school didn't seem to realize ?????? and I went to pick her up at the normal time and was a little shocked to see her arm looking somewhat strange and stiff. But, about suing the school........Need to look in my dictionary before attempting to go ahead with that one.
German hospitals I have to say are,as one would expect, very clean, efficient and organized. No one in casualty, no waiting time ( King's hospital you could learn a few tricks here) lots of doctors and lots of disinfectant. However, they did forget to give me the vital bit of information, Don't feed Elf because she might need an operation. So three tangerines, biscuits and rice cakes later they decide they do want to operate on the arm but can't because being a mother I have fed her everything in my bag. A lot of tutting and cross looks at me and then they plaster the elfs arm up and tell us to return in the morning when they will add a bit of cork? Yes, my German is really improving with this one.....If this doesn't work then they will operate.
So we have spent the week in and out of the Krankenhaus and at one point they did decide to operate and I got to wear a great nurses costume complete with rubber boots and the Elf had some medicine which made her very drunk and hilariously funny. I wasn't laughing then but now luckily all seems fine so I can. Just before op they said to me. 'Hast sie einen Schrittmaker'. It sounded very important and all I could think of was why didn't I learn German years ago because now it REALLY MATTERS. Anyway, after much miming over the drunk, giggling Ella who was trying to reach for the lights I understood. " Has she a pacemaker fitted?!"
So it's now Saturday and we have spent the day shopping for clothes to fit over broken arms. And that brings me to a possible new career. Thought I would set up 'The broken limb clothing factory'.
Off to study hard and learn how to say. " How the fuck do you not notice a child with a broken arm in your class for five hours after it has happened. You are well and truly sued."

Words of the week:
Der Gips-plastercast
Schlittschuh laufen-skating
Die operation- operation
Das Geschenk-present
Der Chirurg- Surgeon


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