Word of the week.......Referral.
As I am soon approaching the big, oh so big birthday I have felt inclined this week to get everything checked. Don't know why? Perhaps my brain is telling me that once we reach that 4th decade everything physical will start to fall apart and one will be too old for jobs, so need to stay healthy because of a lack of funds to get ill with. Anyway, I am now officially Ms Uberweisung. The German health system is very good but fills up your life with paperwork and prevents you from having the time to find a job. First one must go to a 'normal' doctor to get an Uberweisung( or in my case 7) to go see another doctor. This is for everything, even for a cold. I spent the WHOLE of last week, collecting these pieces of paper and making appointments to see other doctors, and learning along the way. For a cold you see an ear, nose and throat specialist and for a headache a brain surgeon, it seems. I am totally confused and feel that I may need to become a doctor myself in order to know which specialist you see for which ailment.
Anyway the trip to the gyno was an interesting one, but I won't go into details, except just to say that I am a convert to specialists:) So this is what an Abstrich should be like. Not all that fumbling, agony with an English nurse, who never knows which object to use, let alone where to put it.
So I am feeling very well thankyou, except for my back which has decided to pack up for awhile............and then oh no, there are all the alternative therapies to go into. That's my job for next week then.
If you want the weirdest experience ever, go and try craniosacral therapy........ha ha. Back feels great but think I've officially left the planet.
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