The overexcited Friseur
Saturday morning and a message on my mobile. I don't get many of these and after The Elf's translation I realised that it wasn't serious but just that 2 months ago I made an appointment with the Friseur and was already 40 minutes late for it. There is one thing in Deutschland that you don't do and that is be late. People are rarely late here but do seem very understanding of the fact that this particular English hausfrau is never late but is often forgetful. With Elf in tow we trotted on down to lovely Simone. It took three hairdressers to discern what I wanted, which actually was just a trim and perhaps a little more red. Three hours later I emerged with ginger hair like my childhood, black wimpers (don't you just love that word for eyelash?) brown eyebrows and a big cue at the door. The Elf also had haircut along the way but luckily managed to avoid the wimper bit. It is now Monday and I am beginning to feel doubtful and slightly regretting my Saturday morning of fun. Time to go back on a German course and learn how to emphatically say `No`.